Tonal Harmony 8th Edition by Stefan Kostka –

SKU: LUXD-4463


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Tonal Harmony 8th Edition by Stefan Kostka –

SKU: LUXD-4463


Availability: In stock

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Book Description:

“Tonal Harmony 8th Edition” by Stefan Kostka is a vital resource on music theory and composition, featuring updated content and tools for learning harmony from basics to advanced topics. Ideal for students and aspiring composers. ISBN: 978-1259447099.

Tonal Harmony 8th Edition

  • Author: Stefan Kostka
  • ISBN: 978-1259447099
  • Page Numbers: Not Specified
  • Language: English

“Tonal Harmony 8th Edition” by Stefan Kostka stands as a seminal text for students in the field of music theory and composition. This edition builds on its comprehensive approach to understanding musical structure and its evolvement within the tonal tradition. Designed for a two-year course sequence, the book expertly guides readers through various levels of harmony, from fundamental principles to more advanced topics. The 8th edition includes updated content to better reflect current practices in tonal harmony and enriched pedagogical tools that facilitate easier learning. A must-have for aspiring composers and musicologists.