Sociology in Modules 5th Edition by Richard T. Schaefer –

SKU: LUXD-4622


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Sociology in Modules 5th Edition by Richard T. Schaefer –

SKU: LUXD-4622


Availability: In stock

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Book Description:

Explore sociology with “Sociology in Modules 5th Edition” by Richard T. Schaefer. This textbook breaks down complex topics into manageable modules, encouraging critical thinking and engagement with current social issues. Updated to reflect the latest trends, it’s essential for understanding societal dynamics.

Sociology in Modules 5th Edition

  • Author: Richard T. Schaefer
  • ISBN: 978-1260074956
  • Page Numbers: Not Available
  • Language: English
  • Edition: 5th

Sociology in Modules offers an adaptable approach to learning that allows students to explore the dynamics and impact of society. The fifth edition by Richard T. Schaefer breaks down complex sociological topics into manageable sections without overwhelming the reader. With updated content reflecting the latest societal trends and challenges, this book ensures that readers develop a comprehensive understanding of sociological principles. Each module encourages critical thinking and engagement with current social issues, making this textbook an invaluable resource for students aiming to grasp the ever-evolving landscape of sociology.