Social Welfare in Canadian Society 5th Edition

SKU: LUXD-1796


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Social Welfare in Canadian Society 5th Edition

SKU: LUXD-1796


Availability: In stock

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Book Description:

Explore the evolution and structure of Canada’s social welfare system in Peter Hudson’s “Social Welfare in Canadian Society,” published by Oxford University Press. Understand its history, core principles, and significant programs while considering future challenges.

Social Welfare in Canadian Society

Author: Peter Hudson

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Format: PDF

Description: This book provides a comprehensive overview of the Canadian social welfare system. It examines the history of social welfare in Canada, the key principles and values that underpin the system, and the major programs and services that are offered. The book also discusses the challenges and opportunities facing the social welfare system in the 21st century.

  • Provides a comprehensive overview of the Canadian social welfare system.
  • Examines the history of social welfare in Canada.
  • Discusses the key principles and values that underpin the system.
  • Describes the major programs and services that are offered.
  • Considers the challenges and opportunities facing the social welfare system in the 21st century.

Target Audience: This book is intended for students and scholars of social work, sociology, and public policy. It is also a valuable resource for policymakers, social welfare practitioners, and anyone else who is interested in the Canadian social welfare system.