Shortell and Kaluzny’s Healthcare Management: Organization Design and Behavior 7th Edition –

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Shortell and Kaluzny’s Healthcare Management: Organization Design and Behavior 7th Edition –

SKU: LUXD-5038


Availability: In stock

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Book Description:

Explore the latest in healthcare management with Shortell and Kaluzny’s authoritative text. Dive into updated research, strategic planning, and leadership practices essential for today’s professionals and students.

Shortell and Kaluzny’s Healthcare Management: Organization Design and Behavior, 7th Edition

  • Authors: Lawton Burns, Elizabeth Bradley, Bryan Weiner
  • ISBN: 978-1305951174
  • Edition: 7th Edition
  • Language: English

“Shortell and Kaluzny’s Healthcare Management: Organization Design and Behavior, 7th Edition” provides a comprehensive and contemporary exploration of the theory and practice of health care management. This edition, authored by Lawton Burns, Elizabeth Bradley, and Bryan Weiner, continues the tradition of excellence established by its predecessors. Covering strategic planning, organizational design, and leadership practices specific to healthcare organizations, this text is pivotal for both students and professionals within the healthcare management field. With updated research and case studies, the 7th edition addresses the latest challenges and innovations transforming the healthcare landscape.