Real-Life Sociology A Canadian Approach by Anabel Quan-Haase –

SKU: LUXD-3819


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Real-Life Sociology A Canadian Approach by Anabel Quan-Haase –

SKU: LUXD-3819


Availability: In stock

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Book Description:

“Real-Life Sociology: A Canadian Approach” by Anabel Quan-Haase explores the distinctive dynamics of Canadian society through current research and real-life examples, making it a crucial resource for understanding sociology in a Canadian context.

Real-Life Sociology: A Canadian Approach

  • Author: Anabel Quan-Haase
  • ISBN: 978-0199024698
  • Language: English
  • Page Numbers: Not Available

“Real-Life Sociology: A Canadian Approach” by Anabel Quan-Haase is an insightful exploration into the vibrant world of sociology from a distinctly Canadian perspective. This book delves into the social dynamics that shape communities and influence individual identities within Canada, bringing to light the unique social, cultural, and economic environments that frame Canadian society. Through a series of compelling real-life examples and current research findings, Quan-Haase engages readers with relatable issues and challenges them to critically ponder their societal role. This text is an invaluable resource for students seeking to understand the intricacies of sociology through a relevant and localized lens.