Racial and Cultural Dynamics in Group and Organizational Life: Crossing Boundaries –

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Racial and Cultural Dynamics in Group and Organizational Life: Crossing Boundaries –

SKU: LUXD-5279


Availability: In stock

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Book Description:

Explore the challenges of equity and diversity in “Racial and Cultural Dynamics in Group and Organizational Life: Crossing Boundaries” by Mary B. McRae and Ellen L. Short. A crucial guide for understanding and enhancing interactions within multi-cultural groups and organizations.

Racial and Cultural Dynamics in Group and Organizational Life: Crossing Boundaries

  • Title: Racial and Cultural Dynamics in Group and Organizational Life: Crossing Boundaries
  • Authors: Mary B. McRae, Ellen L. Short
  • ISBN: 978-1412939867
  • Page Numbers: Not Available
  • Language: English

“Racial and Cultural Dynamics in Group and Organizational Life: Crossing Boundaries” offers a critical exploration into the real-time complexities and challenges faced in settings committed to equity and multicultural diversity. Co-authored by Mary B. McRae and Ellen L. Short, this text delves into the theoretical frameworks and practical knowledge required to effectively facilitate group and organizational dynamics in culturally diverse contexts. The book is geared towards providing students, scholars, and practitioners with insights on how to navigate and model positive interactions in varied professional and social settings.