Modern Industrial Organization

SKU: LUXD-1703


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Modern Industrial Organization

SKU: LUXD-1703


Availability: In stock

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Book Description:

Explore the dynamics of market structures and industry behaviors with “Modern Industrial Organization” by Jeffrey M. Perloff and Dennis W. Carlton. This comprehensive guide delves into strategic firm behaviors, governmental impacts on markets, and antitrust policies, offering essential insights for both students and professionals.

Modern Industrial Organization

Authors: Jeffrey M. Perloff and Dennis W. Carlton

Publisher: Pearson Education

Year of Publication: 2010

ISBN: 0132882709

About the Book:

Modern Industrial Organization provides a comprehensive understanding of the structure and behavior of industries and the public policies that affect them. The book is organized into four main parts:

  • Part 1: Introduction – Introduces basic concepts of industrial organization, discusses the role of market structure in determining industry behavior, and examines the effects of government intervention on industry performance.
  • Part 2: Market Structure – Analyzes different types of market structures, discusses factors that determine market structure, and explores implications of market structure for industry behavior and performance.
  • Part 3: Market Conduct – Examines the strategic behavior of firms in different market structures and discusses pricing, output, and entry decisions along with anti-competitive practices like collusion and predation.
  • Part 4: Public Policy – Explores the role of government in industrial organization, analyzes antitrust laws and regulations, and discusses the challenges of regulating industries with natural monopolies or other market failures.

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