Modern Blood Banking & Transfusion Practices

SKU: LUXD-1028


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Modern Blood Banking & Transfusion Practices

SKU: LUXD-1028


Availability: In stock

CAUTION: You’re about to purchase a high quality copy (no missing contents), NOT a Paper Book! It can be printed, stored and read on any devices. You’ll get this copy via EMAIL within 24 after purchasing.

Book Description:

Explore the latest in blood banking with Denise M. Harmening’s authoritative guide. Covering donor recruitment, processing, and transfusion practices, it’s essential for students and professionals in transfusion medicine.

Modern Blood Banking & Transfusion Practices

Author: Denise M. Harmening

Publisher: F.A. Davis

Publication Year: 2019

ISBN: 978-0803668881

Description: Dive into the world of blood banking and transfusion practices with this comprehensive textbook. Authored by Denise M. Harmening, the book provides an updated, practical approach to the complex and critical field of blood banking. It thoroughly covers topics including donor recruitment, blood collection, processing, storage, and distribution, alongside important areas of transfusion medicine such as blood component therapy, hemostasis, and managing transfusion reactions. A vital resource, this book caters to students, residents, and professionals actively engaged or pursuing a career in the field.