Mastering the World of Psychology 6th Edition

SKU: LUXD-1651


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Mastering the World of Psychology 6th Edition

SKU: LUXD-1651


Availability: In stock

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Book Description:

Explore the fundamentals of psychology with “Mastering the World of Psychology, 6th Edition” by Wood, Wood, and Boyd. This comprehensive guide offers insights into all major psychology areas, combining biopsychological, social, and cognitive perspectives for students at any level. ISBN: 978-0134584010.

Mastering the World of Psychology

6th Edition

Authors: Samuel E. Wood, Ellen Green Wood, Denise Boyd

ISBN: 978-0134584010


Mastering the World of Psychology, 6th Edition is a comprehensive and engaging introduction to the study of psychology. It provides a balanced overview of all major areas of psychology, from the biological bases of behavior to the most recent developments in social and cognitive psychology. The authors’ clear writing style and accessible examples make this book ideal for students of all levels.