Macroeconomics 12th Edition by Stephen Slavin –

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Macroeconomics 12th Edition by Stephen Slavin –

SKU: LUXD-4751


Availability: In stock

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Book Description:

Discover “Macroeconomics 12th Edition” by Stephen Slavin, offering a clear exploration of core economic principles with updated content reflecting recent economic events. Perfect for students seeking real-world application of macroeconomic concepts.

Macroeconomics 12th Edition by Stephen Slavin

  • Author: Stephen Slavin
  • ISBN: 978-1260962147
  • Edition: 12th
  • Language: English

“Macroeconomics 12th Edition” by Stephen Slavin provides an in-depth exploration of fundamental macroeconomic concepts in the context of current economic events. Stephen Slavin’s approachable writing style engages students with a practical method that delivers a thorough understanding of macroeconomics’ basic concepts and their application in real-world situations. This edition has been updated to reflect recent economic conditions, making it a valuable resource not only for students but also for anyone interested in understanding macroeconomic challenges and perspective.