M : Marketing 5th Edition by Grewal –

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M : Marketing 5th Edition by Grewal –

SKU: LUXD-4462


Availability: In stock

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Book Description:

Explore the evolving world of marketing with “M: Marketing 5th Edition” by Dhruv Grewal & Michael Levy. This updated edition offers concise insights into essential marketing strategies, enriched with real-world examples to enhance learning and application.

M: Marketing 5th Edition by Grewal

  • Title: M: Marketing 5th Edition
  • Authors: Dhruv Grewal, Michael Levy
  • ISBN: 978-1259446290
  • Language: English

“M: Marketing 5th Edition by Grewal” is a comprehensively updated text that emphasizes the rapid pace and continuously evolving practices in the marketing landscape. Co-authored by Dhruv Grewal and Michael Levy, two leading voices in the field of marketing, this edition provides a focused and concise approach to key marketing concepts and strategies. It integrates rich examples to illustrate how marketing principles are applied in real-world scenarios, enhancing the learner’s understanding and analytical abilities in identifying effective marketing techniques.