Invitation to World Religions 3rd Edition by Jeffrey Brodd –

SKU: LUXD-3738


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Invitation to World Religions 3rd Edition by Jeffrey Brodd –

SKU: LUXD-3738


Availability: In stock

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Book Description:

“Explore global faiths with ‘Invitation to World Religions 3rd Edition’ by Jeffrey Brodd. Dive into the history, teachings, and rituals of major religions and understand their impact on societies today. Perfect for students and enthusiasts eager to learn about religious diversity and influence.”

Invitation to World Religions 3rd Edition

  • Author: Jeffrey Brodd
  • ISBN: 978-0190690816
  • Edition: 3rd
  • Language: English

“Invitation to World Religions 3rd Edition” by Jeffrey Brodd is a compelling exploration of the diverse religious practices, communities, and beliefs that span the globe. This edition offers a clear and insightful look at the major religions, including their historical foundations, core teachings, rituals, and the impact they have on society today. With an emphasis on accessibility, this book invites readers to engage with the religious diversity that influences world cultures and promotes an understanding of the role religion plays in shaping human experiences.