Introduction to Environmental Geology 5th Edition –

SKU: LUXD-3907


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Introduction to Environmental Geology 5th Edition –

SKU: LUXD-3907


Availability: In stock

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Book Description:

Explore the dynamic relationship between the human population and Earth’s geological processes in “Introduction to Environmental Geology, 5th Edition” by Edward A. Keller. Understand vital environmental issues through engaging insights and clear explanations.

Introduction to Environmental Geology, 5th Edition

Authored by Edward A. Keller, “Introduction to Environmental Geology” 5th Edition is a comprehensive textbook that explores the crucial relationship between the human population and the environment. This edition provides an in-depth look into how environmental issues are interwoven with geological processes, shaping the Earth and impacting human life. Students and educators will find valuable insights on topics such as natural resources, hazards, and the impacts of human activity on Earth. With an engaging and clear presentation, this book aims to enhance the readers’ understanding of important environmental challenges through the lens of geological sciences.

  • Title: Introduction to Environmental Geology, 5th Edition
  • Author: Edward A. Keller
  • ISBN: 978-0321727510
  • Page Numbers: Not Available
  • Language: English
  • Edition: 5th Edition