Inside Social Life: Readings in Sociological Psychology and Microsociology 8th Edition –

SKU: LUXD-3730


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Inside Social Life: Readings in Sociological Psychology and Microsociology 8th Edition –

SKU: LUXD-3730


Availability: In stock

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Book Description:

“Explore the intersection of individual behavior and social structures in ‘Inside Social Life: Readings in Sociological Psychology and Microsociology,’ 8th Edition by Spencer Cahill, Kent Sandstrom, and Carissa Froyum. This essential anthology updates with new studies, deepening understanding of human interactions.”

Inside Social Life: Readings in Sociological Psychology and Microsociology – 8th Edition

  • Title: Inside Social Life: Readings in Sociological Psychology and Microsociology
  • Authors: Spencer Cahill, Kent Sandstrom, Carissa Froyum
  • Edition: 8th Edition
  • ISBN: 978-0190647889
  • Language: English

“Inside Social Life: Readings in Sociological Psychology and Microsociology” by Spencer Cahill, Kent Sandstrom, and Carissa Froyum, in its 8th edition, continues to offer an enlightening exploration of the dynamic interplay between individual behavior and social structures. Integrating key concepts from both sociological psychology and microsociology, this anthology provides a detailed examination of everyday life through a curated selection of readings that highlight the nuances in human interactions. This edition has been updated with recent studies to reflect contemporary developments and trends in the field, making it an indispensable resource for students and professionals eager to deepen their understanding of societal processes.