Fundamentals of Nursing

SKU: LUXD-1315


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Fundamentals of Nursing

SKU: LUXD-1315


Availability: In stock

CAUTION: You’re about to purchase a high quality copy (no missing contents), NOT a Paper Book! It can be printed, stored and read on any devices. You’ll get this copy via EMAIL within 24 after purchasing.

Book Description:

“Explore ‘Fundamentals of Nursing’ by Potter et al., the essential textbook leveraging real-world scenarios and evidence-based practices to provide a solid foundation in nursing. Ideal for understanding patient-centric care and practical applications.”

Fundamentals of Nursing

Authors: Patricia Ann Potter, Anne Griffin Perry, Patricia Stockert, Amy Hall

ISBN: 978-0323400053


Fundamentals of Nursing is an essential textbook that aims to deliver a thorough foundation for nursing practice, emphasizing a patient-centered approach and the significance of evidence-based practices. Through extensive real-world scenarios and case studies, the authors effectively bridge the gap between theoretical learning and practical application in clinical environments.

The content is systematically divided into five units, tackling various essentials of nursing. Topics include the introduction to the nursing profession, the complete nursing process, core medical-surgical nursing fundamentals, as well as focused care for patients with specific health issues and care related to end-of-life and palliative situations.