Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology: A Comprehensive Guide to Mental Health Disorders (10th Edition) –

SKU: LUXD-5148


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Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology: A Comprehensive Guide to Mental Health Disorders (10th Edition) –

SKU: LUXD-5148


Availability: In stock

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Book Description:

Explore the complexities of mental disorders with “Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology: A Comprehensive Guide to Mental Health Disorders” (10th Edition) by Ronald J. Comer. Stay updated with the latest research and therapies in mental health. Essential reading for professionals in psychology and related fields.

Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology: A Comprehensive Guide to Mental Health Disorders (10th Edition)

  • Author: Ronald J. Comer
  • ISBN-13: 978-1319424749
  • Page Numbers: 650
  • Language: English
  • Publisher: Worth Publishers
  • Publication Date: 2023

This textbook, “Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology: A Comprehensive Guide to Mental Health Disorders,” now in its 10th edition, offers an extensive look at the complexities of mental health disorders. Authored by Ronald J. Comer, it delves into the nature, diagnosis, and treatment of various psychopathological disorders. The content is designed to provide readers with a deep understanding of the latest research and therapeutic approaches in the field of mental health. It addresses the significant impacts of mental health issues on both individuals and societal levels while considering crucial ethical and legal aspects. This book is essential for anyone looking to enhance their critical thinking and problem-solving skills in the mental health profession or related fields.