Essential Communication 2nd Edition – Ronald Adler, Jeanne Marquardt Elmhorst, Kristen Lucas

SKU: LUXD-3733


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Essential Communication 2nd Edition – Ronald Adler, Jeanne Marquardt Elmhorst, Kristen Lucas

SKU: LUXD-3733


Availability: In stock

CAUTION: You’re about to purchase a high quality copy (no missing contents), NOT a Paper Book! It can be printed, stored and read on any devices. You’ll get this copy via EMAIL within 24 after purchasing.

Book Description:

“Essential Communication, 2nd Edition” by Adler, Elmhorst, & Lucas offers advanced insights into effective personal and professional interactions. Master interpersonal, nonverbal, and digital communication with current research and practical examples. ISBN: 978-0190650087.

Essential Communication 2nd Edition

  • Title: Essential Communication 2nd Edition
  • Authors: Ronald Adler, Jeanne Marquardt Elmhorst, Kristen Lucas
  • ISBN: 978-0190650087
  • Page Numbers: N/A
  • Language: English

“Essential Communication, 2nd Edition” by Ronald Adler, Jeanne Marquardt Elmhorst, and Kristen Lucas is a comprehensive guide that equips readers with the necessary skills to communicate more effectively. Through detailed exploration of interpersonal communication, nonverbal cues, and digital interactions, this edition incorporates current research and practical examples to help readers navigate and excel in both personal and professional communication environments. This text is essential for students and professionals looking to enhance their communicative effectiveness in various contexts.