Drugs: Mind, Body, and Society by Martha Rosenthal – Martha Rosenthal

SKU: LUXD-3866


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Drugs: Mind, Body, and Society by Martha Rosenthal – Martha Rosenthal

SKU: LUXD-3866


Availability: In stock

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Book Description:

Explore the complexities of drug use in “Drugs: Mind, Body, and Society” by Martha Rosenthal, encompassing biological, psychological, and sociological impacts, historic insights, and policy implications, elucidating the intricate relationship between drugs and society.

Drugs: Mind, Body, and Society

Author: Martha Rosenthal

ISBN: 978-0199949113

Page Numbers: Data not available

Language: English

Description: “Drugs: Mind, Body, and Society” is a comprehensive exploration into the multifaceted issues of drug use and drug policies. Authored by Martha Rosenthal, a renowned expert in physiology and neuroscience, this book examines the impact of drugs from biological, psychological, and sociological perspectives. It delves into the history of drug use, how drugs affect the brain and body, societal attitudes towards drug use, and the implications of drug policies on individuals and communities. Offering a balanced, thoughtful analysis, this text strongly appeals to those interested in understanding the complex dynamics between drugs, individuals, and society.