Crime and Criminology (Aspen Criminal Justice Series) 15th Edition – Sue Titus Reid

SKU: LUXD-5299


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Crime and Criminology (Aspen Criminal Justice Series) 15th Edition – Sue Titus Reid

SKU: LUXD-5299


Availability: In stock

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Book Description:

Dive into the latest criminology trends with “Crime and Criminology” 15th Edition by Sue Titus Reid. This comprehensive guide offers in-depth analysis and updates on criminal behavior and law enforcement for students and professionals alike.

Crime and Criminology (Aspen Criminal Justice Series) 15th Edition

  • Title: Crime and Criminology (Aspen Criminal Justice Series) 15th Edition
  • Author: Sue Titus Reid
  • ISBN: 978-1454893646
  • Page Numbers: Not available
  • Language: English
  • Edition: 15

“Crime and Criminology” offers an extensive exploration into the field of criminology through a detailed and engaging analysis from a seasoned expert, Sue Titus Reid. This 15th edition continues to build on the rigorous research and insightful theories presented in previous versions, enhancing understanding of both fundamental and complex aspects of criminal behavior and law enforcement. This update includes the latest developments in the field, providing a comprehensive and dynamic rundown that is suitable for both students entering criminology and professionals seeking refreshers on key concepts.