Constructing the American Past: A Sourcebook of a People’s History, Volume 1 to 1877 8th Edition – Elliott J. Gorn, Randy Roberts, Terry D. Bilhartz

SKU: LUXD-3702


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Constructing the American Past: A Sourcebook of a People’s History, Volume 1 to 1877 8th Edition – Elliott J. Gorn, Randy Roberts, Terry D. Bilhartz

SKU: LUXD-3702


Availability: In stock

CAUTION: You’re about to purchase a high quality copy (no missing contents), NOT a Paper Book! It can be printed, stored and read on any devices. You’ll get this copy via EMAIL within 24 after purchasing.

Book Description:

Explore early American history with “Constructing the American Past: A Sourcebook of a People’s History, Volume 1 to 1877.” This 8th edition, crafted by esteemed historians Elliott J. Gorn, Randy Roberts, and Terry D. Bilhartz, offers a rich collection of primary documents that illuminate the diverse and complex origins of the United States before 1877.

Constructing the American Past: A Sourcebook of a People’s History, Volume 1 to 1877, 8th Edition

  • Title: Constructing the American Past: A Sourcebook of a People’s History, Volume 1 to 1877
  • Authors: Elliott J. Gorn, Randy Roberts, Terry D. Bilhartz
  • Edition: 8th
  • ISBN: 978-0190280956
  • Page Numbers: N/A
  • Language: English

“Constructing the American Past: A Sourcebook of a People’s History, Volume 1 to 1877” offers a unique peek into the diverse past of the United States. This eighth edition, carefully curated by Elliott J. Gorn, Randy Roberts, and Terry D. Bilhartz, is crafted to give students and readers alike a more accessible approach to studying history. Through a collection of original documents, the sourcebook aspires to present an unfiltered and comprehensive narrative of America’s origins. The selection includes a variety of eyewitness accounts, governmental documents, and personal letters that encompass the major events and transformations before 1877, thus providing crucial insights into the complex web of historical development.