College Algebra by Michael Sullivan 10th –

SKU: LUXD-3923


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College Algebra by Michael Sullivan 10th –

SKU: LUXD-3923


Availability: In stock

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Book Description:

Master College Algebra with Michael Sullivan’s 10th Edition, featuring over 500 new exercises, cutting-edge technology integration, and a fresh chapter on functions, complemented by updated graphics and an advanced online homework system. Ideal for enhancing mathematical skills and understanding. ISBN: 978-0321979476.

College Algebra

Title: College Algebra

Author: Michael Sullivan

Publisher: Pearson

Edition: 10th

ISBN: 978-0321979476

Language: English

Introduction: College Algebra, Tenth Edition, by Michael Sullivan, emphasizes a practical approach to problem-solving. This book introduces the “rule of four” – Read, Reflect, Represent, and Solve – guiding students through the process of solving mathematical problems. This edition is enriched with a new chapter on functions and a dedicated section on technological tools, designed to enhance understanding. To further support learning, it features over 500 new exercises, updated art and graphics, and an innovative online homework system, ensuring that students have ample opportunity to develop critical-thinking skills and apply mathematical concepts.

New Features:

  • Over 500 new exercises
  • Addition of a new chapter on functions
  • Incorporation of new sections on the use of technology
  • Refreshed art and graphics
  • An advanced online homework system