Children in Canada Today –

SKU: LUXD-3813


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Children in Canada Today –

SKU: LUXD-3813


Availability: In stock

CAUTION: You’re about to purchase a high quality copy (no missing contents), NOT a Paper Book! It can be printed, stored and read on any devices. You’ll get this copy via EMAIL within 24 after purchasing.

Book Description:

Explore the intricate lives of children in Canada through Jane Tester’s “Children in Canada Today,” delving into child health, education, and more, providing vital insights for academics and policymakers alike. ISBN: 978-0199019137.

Children in Canada Today

Author: Jane Tester

ISBN: 978-0199019137

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Language: English

Page Numbers: Information not provided


Children in Canada Today offers a comprehensive overview of the contemporary conditions faced by children in Canada. This extensive work delves into critical issues such as child health, education, poverty, and violence, alongside providing a historical context that charts the evolution of childhood within the nation.

Authored by Jane Tester, a renowned authority in child welfare in Canada, the book reflects her in-depth research aimed at delivering a nuanced and current perspective on the diverse challenges and potentialities children encounter in today’s Canada.

This book stands as an indispensable asset for anyone engaged or interested in the thriving and welfare of children. It serves not only as a robust academic resource but also as a valuable reference for policymakers, researchers, and practitioners involved with children’s issues.