Business in action by Bovée, Courtland L. Thill, John V –

SKU: LUXD-4887


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Business in action by Bovée, Courtland L. Thill, John V –

SKU: LUXD-4887


Availability: In stock

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Book Description:

Master the fundamentals of modern business with “Business in Action” by Courtland L. Bovée and John V. Thill. This essential text for students offers insights into strategic and operational aspects of business, enriched with real-world examples.

Business in Action

Authors: Courtland L. Bovée and John V. Thill

Publisher: Pearson Education

ISBN: 978-1292160634

Language: English

Book Description:
Business in Action is an essential guide for students eager to understand the operational and strategic aspects of business. Authored by Courtland L. Bovée and John V. Thill, this book leverages an engaging writing style enriched with numerous real-world examples. Spanning critical domains such as the role of business in society, ethics, management, and marketing to more focused areas like international business, small business management, and entrepreneurship, Business in Action equips its readers with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in the modern business landscape.