Biopsychology 9th John P.J. Pinel –

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Biopsychology 9th John P.J. Pinel –

SKU: LUXD-3887


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Book Description:

Explore the biological foundations of behavior with “Biopsychology, 9th Edition” by John P.J. Pinel. This Pearson publication integrates latest research in genetics and neuroscience to examine the central nervous system’s crucial role in behavior. Ideal for advancing understanding in biopsychology.

Biopsychology, 9th Edition

Author: John P.J. Pinel

Publisher: Pearson

ISBN: 978-0205915576

Description: Biopsychology delves into the biological underpinnings of behavior, offering an in-depth look at the central nervous system’s function and structure and its pivotal role in behavior. By seamlessly blending emerging research from genetics, neuroscience, and molecular biology, this text stands at the forefront of its field, furnishing readers with contemporary insights into the biological basis of behavior.

Book Features Include:

  • Bio-Connect: Boxes that spotlight emerging research and its relevance to behavioral understanding.
  • Case Studies: Practical examples linking neurobiological principles to real-life scenarios.
  • Critical Thinking Questions: Designed to foster the development of critical analysis skills through engaging book material.
  • Study Guide: Comprehensive chapter reviews packed with practice questions to aid learning retention.
  • Companion Website: Extensive online tools including interactive quizzes, simulations, and instructional videos.