A History of Modern Psychology by James C. Goodwin –

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A History of Modern Psychology by James C. Goodwin –

SKU: LUXD-4300


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Book Description:

Explore the evolution of modern psychology from the late 19th century to the present. James C. Goodwin’s book delves into key psychological schools and theories, highlighting significant contributions to the field.

A History of Modern Psychology

Title: A History of Modern Psychology

Author: James C. Goodwin

ISBN: 978-1118833759

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons


This comprehensive text explores the robust journey of modern psychology from its nascent stages in the late 19th century up through today’s contemporary research and applications.

Opening with an insightful examination into the intellectual and cultural zeitgeist of the late 19th century, the narrative frames the emergence of psychology through the lenses of positivism, materialism, and scientific methodologies. Such a climate fostered a burgeoning interest in the scientific study of mind and behavior, ultimately crystallizing psychology as an independent academic discipline.

Moving forward, the book delineates the evolution of pivotal psychological schools of thought, including structuralism, functionalism, behaviorism, and psychoanalysis. Each chapter meticulously discusses influential theories and key proponents, painting a vivid picture of their contributions to psychology’s advancement.

In conclusion, A History of Modern Psychology contemplates the present and future outlook of psychology, advocating its continued significance in deciphering complex behavioral and mental processes. The text posits that psychology, with its dynamic adaptability, is poised to further enhance our comprehension of human nature.